
Flying a drone over campus requires that pilots abide by FAA guidelines and UC Berkeley drone policy. For more information about drone policy within the UC system, refer to the UC Office of the President’s UAS Safety site. In short, it is against UC Berkeley policy to fly a drone over campus property without written permission from UCOP UAS safety, UC Berkeley risk managment, and UCPD. To view UC Berkeley’s complete drone policy click here.

UAVs@Berkeley has special permissions from campus administration to fly drones at designated sites following the rules outlined in the UC Berkeley drone policy. We can fly at three locations: Golden Bear Field (the Clark Kerr Track), La Loma Field, and the Richmond Field Station (RFS). Remember there are a few steps to flying on campus: 





Students must attend a UAVs@Berkeley flight safety training session.                            ⠀


Students must be insured through the club by the AMA.                                          ⠀ 

Students must call UCPD dispatch to notify them of the flight.‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎                                        ⠀ 

Students must fly within the geofence of the site and follow all other UC Berkeley regulations.

Where do we fly?

Golden Bear Field.

Most UAVs@Berkeley flights take place here; the field is spacious and fenced in. The geofence is along the fence of the field and flights are limited to 300 feet in altitude.

Richmond Field Station.

All participants must be accompanied by a UAVs@Berkeley leadership member who has completed RFS training

La Loma Field.

The geofence is along the fence of the field and limited to 15 feet, perfect for smaller aircraft. All participants must be accompanied by a member of UAVs@Berkeley leadership who is a signatory for the field.

Explore Our Club






107A McLaughlin Hall
Berkeley CA, 94720

Contact Info

Email: officers@uav.studentorg.berkeley.edu

Click here to fill out our contact form.